Wednesday, October 28, 2009

family devotions

Its been BUSY BUSY here. Lots of fall activities with the family and some great friends. Everyone is all kinda jazzed about Halloween. Someone emailed and asked me if we did the "halloween thing" and, yes its something we've always done.
We did go visit a Church of God, and it felt really right. I know the Bible says your heart is exceedingly wicked and deceitful ect. I try to be careful about doing things cause they "feel right". Theologically, I can't argue with them. I had a question or two in particular for the Pastor and he answered them for me. He did some fantastic preaching, the music was good and the Spirit was there. It was nice to see people pray,some in tongues even. They offered people to come be prayed for, annointed ect. What was unusual is the music wasn't blaring, didn't hurt my head and the Pastor didn't scream and spit in anyones face. How refreshing! Everything was decent and in order. No cheerleading...No, "come on church!!" Everybody free to do their thing, no pressure. We have a three visit rule, so there isn't a decision made aside from visiting again Sunday.
Its amazing how smooth things have been for us since leaving. I expected some castrophe. I have heard all about how people leave and the kids get drug addicted, parents divorced and the whole family goes broke. I have decided its all scare tactic. Since leaving the UPC, my husband is so much happier. That spreads itself all around. He's nicer to me, he's a better father. It is amazing how great we're getting along. Our church was have a huge divorce problem. Huge. Our pastor there wasn't giving maritial counseling because he didn't feel qualified with all the maritial issues in our church. His solution? They showed The Love Dare. Gee that oughta fix it. The problem really is that he preaches over and over about not murmuring "in your tents" and all about Cora and getting sucked in a hole for talking about the MAN OF GOD. And it creates a breakdown in maritial communication. People are unhappy about things there, but are unable to talk to their spouse. Either they fear the murmuring stuff, or their husband will rebuke them for daring to speak against the preacher. Also its so loud and the chorus of the song is repeated over and over again. Then the preacher berates you for two hours, by the time you get in the car your just plain cranky. In addition to all that he says things like "If you leave this church your marriage will fall apart, If you speak against me your kids will backslide" You speak that kinda thing over people enough and Yeah, it starts to happen. Self fulfilling prophecy. Getting out of that mess has taken alot of stress off of our relationships. With outselves, our children and with each other. For a while there my husband hasn't been interested in anything spiritual at all. I mean you get beat over the head for several hours a week and it'll turn you off. He has started back heading our family devotions. Our family is in a much healthier place spiritually. I had ordered a cd for Titus 2 ministeries called Feed my sheep. Its about the hows and whys of family devotions. My husband really likes Steve Maxwell and we have purchased alot of materials from their website. I highly rec them.

And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Deuteronomy 11:19


  1. Hey welcome to blog world.

    I saw your comment on amy's humble musings and thought I would check out your blog. Wow, sounds like you are on a journey to finding out what God has for you and your family.

    There is freedom in following the Lord. It is so freeing knowing you can't put God in a box and that our "works" won't save you. It so freeing knowing this truth. I am a Holy Spirit believer and I encourage you to seek the Lord with all your heart. In the midst of this journey of finding your "home", God will lead you one step at a time. I am excited for you and looking forward to reading your updates on this Journey.

    Bless you and I will be following you.


  2. Nice to "meet" you Chris. Its funny cause two years ago I would have said we're absolutely where God wants us. At the time it was now, its time to move onto something else.

  3. I totally get the "it's where I had to be" thing. I had to be in that UPC while I was there, but when it was time to move on, it was really, really time to move on.
